Gingerbread House Decorating Contest

Delta United Methodist Church 477 Meeker St., Delta, CO

Please join us for a fun holiday event, for a cause! All of the proceeds of the Gingerbread House Decorating Contest to go support Delta County Fuller Center Program (formerly Habitat for Humanity). Register ASAP as space is limited!


Paonia Holiday Festival

Paonia Paonia, CO

Knock out all your holiday shopping in one spot by shopping the most unique, high-quality, locally-made art, crafts, and other practical goods at the Paonia Holiday Festival on Saturday, December, 7th, from 10a - 4p.  Don’t miss this incredible showcase of creativity and win the prize for best gift giver this holiday season!

Cedarberry Hysterical Players Presents A Christmas Carol

Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center 195 W. Main St., Cedaredge, CO

Join us for this beloved classic, “A Christmas Carol”, in a theatrical production performed by the Cedarberry Hysterical Players. There will be two performances- December 13th & 14th ~ 7:00pm. Your friends, family and neighbors have been working hard to provide you an evening of fun and entertainment, so don’t miss out… get you tickets […]

It’s a Wonderful Life – A Live Radio Play

Delta Egyptian Theater 452 Main St., Delta, CO

The Thunder Mountain Players Present: It's A Wonderful Life, A live Radio Play. This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his […]

Dare to Dream presents a Holiday Party

Dare to Dream 9826 2150 Rd., Austin, Austin

Join us for Winter Party with hay rides, cookie & ornament decorating, a candy cane hunt, and ugly sweater contest, and more!

It’s a Wonderful Life – A Live Radio Play

Delta Egyptian Theater 452 Main St., Delta, CO

The Thunder Mountain Players Present: It's A Wonderful Life, A live Radio Play. This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his […]

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