Delta County Partners Palooza

Cleland Park 8th and Howard St., Delta

Join us for a fantastic day and learn about local Delta County non-profit organizations, and enjoy live music, kids activities, food trucks and libations!

Open Mic Night!

Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center 195 W. Main St., Cedaredge, CO

Go Live at 5:55, and show off your talents in an intimate and supportive setting.  Sing, read poetry, play music, do a comedy act; we want to see and hear it all at the Grand Mesa Arts Events Center for Open Mic Night on Tuesday, May 23.

Final Friday Frolic in Paonia

Paonia Paonia, CO

If you're looking for an engaging and enriching way to spend your Friday nights, attending Paonia's Final Friday Frolics monthly art-walks is definitely a fantastic choice. It's an opportunity to […]

Outdoor Heritage Day at Confluence Park

Confluence Park Gunnison River Drive, Delta, CO

Join us for a FREE family event!!! KID'S FISHING DERBY (AGES 16 & Under): 7:00-10:00AM; First 100 get a FREE fishing pole provided by: Clearnetworx EXHIBITS/DEMOS/GAMES/PRIZES/LUNCH: 10:00AM-2:00PM First 200 to sign-in get a FREE T-shirt!!! We will have something for all ages - paddleboards, bounce house, archery, disc golf, snow cones, BB gun shoot, yard games, […]

Final Friday Frolic in Paonia

Paonia Paonia, CO

If you're looking for an engaging and enriching way to spend your Friday nights, attending Paonia's Final Friday Frolics monthly art-walks is definitely a fantastic choice. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the artistic spirit of the valley, enjoy live music, savor delicious food, and create lasting memories.

Music at the Fairgrounds – Fast Eddie & The Lugnuts

Delta County Fairgrounds 403 S. 4th St., Hotchkiss, CO

Join us for another fantastic evening of music, at the Delta County Fairgrounds, with Fast Eddie & The Lugnuts. Bring a lawn chair, and enjoy food, libations, and a great time with friends and family!

Delta County Community Night

Delta County Fairgrounds 403 S. 4th St., Hotchkiss, CO

Help us kick of the Delta County Fair, with Delta County Community Night, at the Delta County Fairgrounds, in Hotchkiss! Enjoy a free BBQ hosted by Delta County Commissioners Wendell Koontz, Don Suppes & Mike Lane! There will be kid's activities, a beer garden, and a GREAT time!

Final Friday Frolic in Paonia

Paonia Paonia, CO

If you're looking for an engaging and enriching way to spend your Friday nights, attending Paonia's Final Friday Frolics monthly art-walks is definitely a fantastic choice. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the artistic spirit of the valley, enjoy live music, savor delicious food, and create lasting memories.

Car Show & Downtown Cruise Night – 2023

Delta Delta, CO

Bring your family & friends and enjoy an evening of fun on Main Street in Delta, CO - Friday, September 15th, 2023!!! On Friday night cars will cruise up and down […]

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